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The last time I played music with humans in the room was Feb 21 2020 at Orchard Coffee in Waynesville. Since then it’s been nothing but sugary beverages, recording equipment, and the occasional dog. I put out a record in October and did some really fun streaming shows, which I’m going to continue, but never really did a proper ‘release show’ where those songs could have a chance to fully inflate themselves and fly around a room. I don’t know how your quarantine has been but we’ve kept the hatches pretty firmly battened down for the past year over here and it doesn’t look like actual touring is going to resume for anybody anytime soon. But I think we’re at a point where a single show in a legit venue with a serious, safe, socially-distanced protocol in place COULD actually work. So I’m going to do one, the ‘Survive With Me’ release show that time forgot, performed by me and a band full of badasses: Hannah Seng, Josh Kaler, and Jonathan Gray. This will be the first time Josh and Jonny and I have played together since I think the first High Water Festival in 2016, so we are planning to plow through some Slow Runner classics with wild abandon. AND the incredible Jane Kramer will be your opener for the evening.

A few important details: this is a socially distanced, masks-required show with extremely limited seating. You buy tickets by the table and there aren’t that many so this just might be the loophole I need to put ‘sold out the Grey Eagle’ on my resume with just a tiny asterisk. If you’re in a situation where you can come be a part of this special night I hope you’ll snatch a table for yourself and join us.

I get anxious just watching TV characters (in shows filmed pre-pandemic) standing close to one another now, so who knows what it’ll feel like, but when I think about playing music with my friends in a listening room, with actual people listening, and we could all close our eyes for a moment and be warmed by the hint of normalcy while some bangin’ songs about dogs and time waft through the air, friend I get pretty excited.

Here is the link for tickets. Let’s party like it’s 2019!

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