Surviving to release day: OBJECTIVE COMPLETE


We made it people. The album is finally out (unless you’re waiting on vinyl; COVID delays mean those won’t ship until early December unfortunately). It was a ton of work but I am so glad I was reckless enough to go through with making it. I think this is my favorite batch of songs I’ve ever written. Somehow you start off making music a certain way in high school and college, then you grow up and learn better ways to do it, then you grow up some more and learn that the way you were doing it at first wasn’t all bad. So this record really incorporates all the different versions of myself, stacked up like Russian dolls inside me: my earliest attempts at finding a voice, my jazz phase, my indie rock phase, my electronic phase, my warm liquid goo phase, it’s all mixed up in there. Life is apparently this long process of separating from your childhood self, then slowly as you get less insecure going back and salvaging the parts of that self that you never should have abandoned. Making a massive full length album is an expensive and exhausting way to do that, but I highly, highly recommend it.

You can listen to ‘Survive With Me’ on Spotify, or Apple Music, or you can buy it (or the vinyl!) on bandcamp. It’s on the other platforms too if you’re that kind of contrarian. Thank you to everybody who helped make it, who encouraged and supported me anywhere along the way over the last few decades I’ve been making music professionally, and special thanks to the people in my life who’ve had to sometimes deal with the downsides of being within the blast radius of a bumpy life in the arts. I wish for all of you the same dumb luck that carried me here.

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